Make or collect compost, people may even pay you to take organic waste away, grow the stuff that is more expensive to buy unless you have lots of room. The trick is not to buy stuff other than seeds and even then using bought seeds at the minimum. Raising your own food is also not so cost effective for some things on paper, but producing quality vegetables has an extra bonus of encouraging you to cook good food, giving to some free activity that is productive and possibly allowing you to swap surpluses with others. I did have loads of space and a rescue rooster who showed them how to walk and peck and stuff.

When I was young and very poor I bought some 'end of lay' hens from a nasty poultry farm, they were very cheap and I intended to eat them, however they still laid eggs (just not economically for a battery farm) and as I didn't buy feed for them they had a good life eating real food and scratching in the dirt and I had some super eggs in return. Raising chickens may not be cost effective but as long as they eat only kitchen scraps or things you grow is not too bad and may save money in that you eat more eggs or swap them for something else.