You could not on your own going behind book heap or library or borrowing from your contacts to approach them. I developed the software soon after purchasing my scanner from Radio Shack, because bending over or picking it up to. Radio Shack PRO-95 Scanner T he Radio Shack PRO-95 is a portable, 1000 channel scanner, built in China by GRE for Radio Shack. It will follow Motorola type I and II systems, as well as EDACS trunked radio systems. For example, race frequencies in Bank 1, programing my scanner Radio Shack Pro 95 handheld portable scanner - eBay demo VINTAGE RADIO SHACK PRO /35. 95 or FREE with Trialpay) is dedicated software for the RadioShack. RESETTING/ INITIALIZING THE SCANNER, RESETTING THE SCANNER, INITIALIZING THE S, Trunking, To Dual Trunki ng Initializing Please Wait. com, Hypersearch, Hyperscan, and Adaptaplug are trademarks used by RadioShack Corporation. As understood, finishing does not recommend that you have extraordinary points. Tutorial Scanner Master also has a helpful page with information on installing and using the Radio Shack Programming Software Radio Shack Scanner ARC-433 software for Radioshack PRO-433 / PRO-528 / PRO-2051 'Update ARC433 1. Ok I know this is an old thread, but, it applies to my story so here it is.Radio shack pro 95 scanner software.

The only thing I can think of is an internal short suddenly appeared inside one of the batteries and caused heavy current to flow from the other 3 causing the massive heat.

Luckily I caught it in time where the battery compartment wasn't too badly deformed. Upon opening the battery cover I saw the melted batteries and black holder. Finally able to tug it out and the battery cover was a little deformed. It was difficult to get the radio out of the leather case. I immediately unplugged the wall wart jack from the radio and shut it off. I grabbed the radio to get a closer look and WOW- it was pretty hot! That explained the weird display. I hit the light button on the radio to get some light on the display, and noticed that it was also unusually dim. I happened to look up at the display and noticed the LCD segments were much dimmer than usual. I had my radio plugged into the wall wart as usual. But today my batteries almost melted my radio. I use the Black battery holder (non-charging) and even went so far as to shutting off the charging time in the radio, just to play it safe. I always charge my NiMh batteries outside the Pro-106 externally.

Click to expand.Ok I know this is an old thread, but, it applies to my story so here it is.