If you didn’t file an extension, go ahead and file your return as soon as possible to stop any failure-to-file penalties. If you filed a tax extension earlier this year, you would have gotten a confirmation email from your filing software or some form of confirmation from your tax preparer that your extension was accepted by the IRS. Form 4868 can be filed electronically or by mail. Tax extensions aren’t automatic if you missed the April deadline: Taxpayers must actually notify the IRS that they’re taking the 6-month extension by filling out Form 4868 with their basic information (name, address, etc.) and whether they expect to owe tax or receive a refund. Tax extension? Did I even file a tax extension? Just consider this your glowing signal over the city, procrastinators. Heads up to anyone who filed a tax extension back before April 18 this year: The deadline to file your 2016 tax return is October 16.